BARRADO: Torcida do Santos faz campanha contra presença de Bolsonaro na Vila Belmiro

Vale lembrar que Bolsonaro é torcedor do Palmeiras, rival da equipe santista, mas já vestiu a camisa de diversos outros clubes.

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is pictured during the commemoration ceremony of the National Volunteer Day, at Planalto Palace in Brasilia, on August 28, 2019. - Bolsonaro on Wednesday repeated a demand for French leader Emmanuel Macron to withdraw recent remarks, as he accused France and Germany of "buying" the Latin American country's sovereignty with Amazon fire aid. Bolsonaro's comments come a day after he said he was open to discussing the G7's offer of $20 million to help combat fires raging in the world's largest rainforest, but only if the French leader retracted his "insults" against him. (Photo by EVARISTO SA / AFP)
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is pictured during the commemoration ceremony of the National Volunteer Day, at Planalto Palace in Brasilia, on August 28, 2019. - Bolsonaro on Wednesday repeated a demand for French leader Emmanuel Macron to withdraw recent remarks, as he accused France and Germany of "buying" the Latin American country's sovereignty with Amazon fire aid. Bolsonaro's comments come a day after he said he was open to discussing the G7's offer of $20 million to help combat fires raging in the world's largest rainforest, but only if the French leader retracted his "insults" against him. (Photo by EVARISTO SA / AFP)

Após rumores sobre a possível ida de Jair Bolsonaro no clássico entre Santos São Paulo, neste sábado, na Vila Belmiro, pelo Campeonato Brasileiro, a torcida alvinegra entrou nos tópicos mais comentados da rede social twitter nesta quarta-feira com a hashtag #BolsonaronaVilaNão.

Nesta quinta-feira (14) e na sexta-feira (15), Bolsonaro tem compromissos no Guarujá e aproveitaria o fim de semana para visitar a Vila Belmiro. A notícia acabou incomodando a maioria dos santistas, que não concordam com presença do presidente no estádio da equipe.

Até o momento o Santos não se pronunciou oficialmente sobre o assunto. Vale lembrar que Bolsonaro é torcedor do Palmeiras, rival da equipe santista, mas já vestiu a camisa de diversos outros clubes.