Médicos encontram 200 pregos em estômago de garoto na China

Pic shows:  CT scan of the boy’s stomach. A teenage boy in China complaining of stomach pains has had more than 200 nails removed from his body after doctors realised he had foreign objects inside his stomach. The boy reportedly swallowed metal nails, toothpicks, stones, and coins over weeks and months, with his parents unaware of what seems to be a psychological disorder. The boy, 15, identified by his surname Liu, was taken to hospital by his family members after he began to experience severe stomach and abdominal pains at their home in the township of Jintian, in Anfu County of East China’s Jiangxi Province. Doctors at a local hospital did detailed CT scans on the young patient, and found an abundance of what seemed like nails resting in the pit of his stomach. The foreign objects were lit up brightly in the scans, and doctors immediately rushed Liu into emergency surgery to remove the nails before they could cause more harm. There were also fears that the sharp nails would tear through Liu’s stomach and damage other organs. Reports said more than 200 nails were removed from Liu’s stomach, as well as objects such as wooden toothpicks, small stones, and bronze and silver coins. All in all the objects in his stomach weighed 700 grams (1.5 lbs), reports said. While Liu is now recovering after the successful surgery, it is still unclear when or why he swallowed the objects. It has been suggested that Liu may be suffering from pica - a disorder characterised by the compulsive eating of foreign objects such as hair, stones, earth, paint, metal, glass, and even faeces. (ends)

Lui, um garoto chinês de 15 anos, descobriu 200 pregos em seu corpo após se queixar de dores de estômago. As informações são do site inglês The Lad Bible .
Ao longo de meses, Lui engoliu pregos de metal, palitos, pedras e moedas graças a um distúrbio psicológico conhecido como pica, ou alotriofagia. Trata-se do apetite por substâncias não alimentares.
Os médicos fizeram tomografias computadorizadas no corpo do garoto e encontraram uma grande quantidade de pregos na boca do estômago.

Eles encaminharam Lui à emergência antes que os objetos causassem algum dano ao corpo do menino.

Segundo relatos, mais de 200 pregos foram retirados do corpo de Lui, em um total de 700 gramas

Fonte: TERRA