
PANDEMIA: Média de mortes tem novo recorde, vai a 1.832 e acelera em todas as regiões

O país registrou hoje média diária de 1.832 mortes por covid-19 em uma semana —já é o 16º dia consecutivo de recordes no índice.

Aerial view of the burial site reserved for victims of the COVID pandemic with a rainbow in the sky at the Nossa Senhora Aparecida cemetery in Manaus, in the Amazon forest in Brazil on November 21, 2020. - Brazil has been one of the countries hit hardest by the pandemic, with more than 166,000 people killed, the second-highest number in the world, following the United States and is bracing for a possible second wave of mass infections as it races to test and then distribute its first 120,000 doses of Coronavac, a potential COVID-19 vaccine developed by Chinese lab Sinovac Biotech. (Photo by MICHAEL DANTAS / AFP)
Aerial view of the burial site reserved for victims of the COVID pandemic with a rainbow in the sky at the Nossa Senhora Aparecida cemetery in Manaus, in the Amazon forest in Brazil on November 21, 2020. - Brazil has been one of the countries hit hardest by the pandemic, with more than 166,000 people killed, the second-highest number in the world, following the United States and is bracing for a possible second wave of mass infections as it races to test and then distribute its first 120,000 doses of Coronavac, a potential COVID-19 vaccine developed by Chinese lab Sinovac Biotech. (Photo by MICHAEL DANTAS / AFP)

O país registrou hoje média diária de 1.832 mortes por covid-19 em uma semana —já é o 16º dia consecutivo de recordes no índice. Nas últimas 24 horas, foram notificados 1.111 novos óbitos, somando 278.327 vítimas da doença no Brasil. As informações são do consórcio de veículos de imprensa.

Desde o início da pandemia, foram 11.483.031 diagnósticos do coronavírus, 43.781 deles registrados entre ontem e hoje. Isso não indica quando as mortes e casos de fato ocorreram, mas sim a data em que passaram a constar dos balanços oficiais.

Fonte: Uol
Créditos: Polêmica Paraíba